Monday, September 28, 2015


No Matter What Your Life Looks Like Now Embrace It.

# 1. Have an Imagination!
An imagination allows you to see it before it actually happens. 
Go 10 or 20 years into your future and,
See yourself as the person you want to be.
Your imagination can take you beyond the trouble and the pain.
You need to see where you're going Very Clearly.
You have to see yourself there long before it happens.
What you are going to be, you are now becoming.
Keep seeing what you're going to be in the future. 
Focus...block the whole world out...
Put yourself in a room or a closet and focus.
Live in the forward.
Whatever it takes, put some classical music on and focus...
Take 30 minutes to focus on where your imagination leads.
Live in the future; go into your future every single day.

# 2. Have Faith! Embrace Faith!
Stop talking about the obstacles you need to overcome and the barriers you must climb to get there.
Sometimes things are gonna be hard!
No successful person has ever made it without those obstacles and barriers to overcome.
Have faith in your imagination.
Have faith in the things you see 10 or 20 years from now.
Believe that one day you will be successful !
Believe that one day all that's happening now will lead you to success!

If you quit your day will never come.
For every obstacle you can't get around;
for every barrier you can't climb;
and for every setback you may endure...
Don't ever give up.
If you fall from your horse get back up,
brush yourself off,
and ride again.
Don't ever quit.
Allow yourself to fail forward >>>
Learn from every mistake you make and never ever quit.
Learn to fail forward>>>
You will never reach your goals,
You will never reach those dreams without using your imagination!
Just keep pushing, reaching, climbing...

Understand that fear is not real.
When you understand fear you will know;
The only place fear can exist is our thoughts of the future.
FEAR is nothing more than a product of our imagination.
Fear is a choice; to believe something that is not present
and may never exist.

For those who risk it all going to far, 
They are the only ones who discover how far one can actually go.
Your Dream Needs To Be Very Clear.
So Clear that you could wake up and, 
Step into your dream every morning. 
Take Your First Step Toward Your Dreams.
Your first steps may show you who you are not,
Before you see who you are or who you're becoming.
You can do it. 

You must believe in yourself; Believe you can.
Where you are right now in your life is only temporary.
You will not be in the same place for the rest of your life.
No matter what your life looks like, 
No matter what happens to you,
No matter where you are in your life,
If you want to wake up every day 
with energy, passion, and vision. 
You've got to Start with that Vision !
You've Got To Own That Vision; 
Eat, Sleep, Breath, and Live Your Vision.
Your imagination and vision will lead you where you need to go
To accomplish your dreams if you have faith and believe.
Working to accomplish anything without Faith; 
Is impossible.
Before anybody else on this planet can believe it, 
You've gotta believe it !

You've earned the right to be where you want to be...
Now Is Your Time...
Yes, You are in the right place at the right time.
You've got to do what you were born to do,
You've gotta to do what you're called to do,
Pull out all the stops and find what works for you...
Because when you do find what works for you,
You Are Gonna Blow Up!

Think about it.
There's Nothing More Powerful.
It Runs Through Your Veins, 
It's Who You Are; 
It's In Your DNA.

If You Have Vision Understand This :
It's been said, We are where we are because of who we are.
If you intend to get some place else, 
Your gonna have to change up something. 

Your Imagination and Faith Will Get You There!!

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